I don't know how to do a little gif like the person with the 1474 population, but here's a fairly decent shot of my island layout on my highest yet score! The never-ending chain of quarries really got me in the end
Really cool, chill strategy (and luck-based) game. Will be buying when it comes out. Wish there was a way to get rid of cards besides taverns though. My deck keeps getting WAY too big lol. Also wish I could choose between the two options some cards can give instead of a random 50/50 chance.
Dangit no android support. I so wanted to try it. Curses for buying a android tablet (it was I could afford). Will there be android support playability soon?
This might be a dumb question, but how the heck do you flip things like the piers so that they are horizontal, rather than vertical? I did it on accident once, but can’t figure out how.
This game is hard pressing for good decisions, and more than a dash of luck. But it's charming, fun to watch your island grow and a great time killer. Nice and relaxing. As a feedback note I will say there should be more ways to get rid of useless cards, and the pause between placing a card and being able to use another can be frustrating.
Maybe island's could have a small chance of having treasure in them so if the player is unlucky as I am, they can have a second chance to keep playing the game.
Very addicting, simplistic enough to get into that both me and my girlfriend enjoyed your game. I got to the end of the demo and I still wanted to continue the game loop for longer.
The changes I would like to see would be:
- Piers add less island cards, as from what I can see I think people had issues with their decks (although it's how and when you use cards and personally I didn't find this a huge issue).
- Notes on what a collection of building unlocks as that feels like that could be confusing for players.
Really fun game! I feel like it was hard to keep the deck size under control since there's not really a way to get rid of cards besides playing them and getting more cards (which I may or may not want). A few QOL features that may improve this would be a deck view to see what you already have, a choice between X or Y for some cards (I didn't need nearly as many piers as I kept getting), or some way to destroy a card without playing it for a cost.
Very addictive game! One major point of feedback: if you ever make it into a full game, make sure you fix the lag that appears to linearly increase with island size. Seems rather odd as there is no actual simulation aspect to this game, other than checking of adjacent tiles when placing a new tile.
So most of the game loop should just be drawing all tiles with their animation.
E.g. when placing a new part of the island, the lag is currently the worst. So that leads me to believe on every island tile placement all tiles are looped or something instead of just the 3x3 of tiles around each of the new island tiles.
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I don't know how to do a little gif like the person with the 1474 population, but here's a fairly decent shot of my island layout on my highest yet score! The never-ending chain of quarries really got me in the end
This is the biggest flex I have ever seen.
Really cool, chill strategy (and luck-based) game. Will be buying when it comes out. Wish there was a way to get rid of cards besides taverns though. My deck keeps getting WAY too big lol. Also wish I could choose between the two options some cards can give instead of a random 50/50 chance.
Dangit no android support. I so wanted to try it. Curses for buying a android tablet (it was I could afford). Will there be android support playability soon?
Rarely have I ever enjoyed a game so much! Fantastic mechanics, some luck, but a lot of strategic thinking. Beautiful!
This might be a dumb question, but how the heck do you flip things like the piers so that they are horizontal, rather than vertical? I did it on accident once, but can’t figure out how.
Press Q or E!
Thank you!
Can anyone give me a hint on how the heck to unlock the quarry or castle cards?! I can’t seem to figure it out, no matter how many times I try. :-(
you just need a high enough population
Great game was a really fun play and was tough to beat
this is my highest score
my best, I still had 34 cards on the deck
i have an issue with the text its a bit too small on my screen
i was proud of my island until i saw everyones's screenshots. this game is fun
Great game! I would 100% buy this.
A pretty expansive village:
Great vibe, great effects and cute graphics!
Well done!
my kingdom looks a mess but we made it with 100 citizens
I'm getting good at this game little by little; I would recommend to a friend very fun.
Nice my best Try. It is a nice little game. I like it very much.
Destroy the island!!!

It's really cool! Too bad I'm bad at it :p
Nice game! Keep Working it would be nice to see new updates!
i agree i want more updates!!!!!
I got to 402!!!! Took me a few tries but I still did it
Hi! We played your game on stream and really enjoyed it!
There are nice and cozy vibes in this game!
Really enjoyed this. I wonder if it is a glitch that sometimes I draw a card after placing down and sometimes not or if it is a feature.
Perhaps I am missing something. :)
This game is hard pressing for good decisions, and more than a dash of luck. But it's charming, fun to watch your island grow and a great time killer. Nice and relaxing. As a feedback note I will say there should be more ways to get rid of useless cards, and the pause between placing a card and being able to use another can be frustrating.
Game is so fun and hard as it is fun!
Maybe island's could have a small chance of having treasure in them so if the player is unlucky as I am, they can have a second chance to keep playing the game.
The changes I would like to see would be:
- Piers add less island cards, as from what I can see I think people had issues with their decks (although it's how and when you use cards and personally I didn't find this a huge issue).
- Notes on what a collection of building unlocks as that feels like that could be confusing for players.
- A way to mill/exhaust cards.
I hope you continue development :D
Thank you, we are still working on it, make sure to wishlish it on steam, we hope to finish it this year.
Really fun game! I feel like it was hard to keep the deck size under control since there's not really a way to get rid of cards besides playing them and getting more cards (which I may or may not want).
A few QOL features that may improve this would be a deck view to see what you already have, a choice between X or Y for some cards (I didn't need nearly as many piers as I kept getting), or some way to destroy a card without playing it for a cost.
it's so difficult, but really grippin
Very addictive game! One major point of feedback: if you ever make it into a full game, make sure you fix the lag that appears to linearly increase with island size. Seems rather odd as there is no actual simulation aspect to this game, other than checking of adjacent tiles when placing a new tile.
So most of the game loop should just be drawing all tiles with their animation.
E.g. when placing a new part of the island, the lag is currently the worst. So that leads me to believe on every island tile placement all tiles are looped or something instead of just the 3x3 of tiles around each of the new island tiles.
I loved this experience so much! and just the demo already felt like a full game so I'm super excited to see what the full version will look like!
Very charming and fun, but a bit too luck based for my taste, i feel like im not really in control
Such a great game! <3
Regarding 'OR' cards - think about allowing player to choose an option.
Amazing game, 10/10. Took me a couple hours but eventually I got it. A little messy tho haha
I hate Quarrys
i have been absolutely obsessed with this game. I love that it requires strategy and it's still super fun every single rebuild. well done!